Our story

Growing up on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, the ocean, sunshine, people I love, creativity, kindness and connectedness have been my guide for what makes a good life.

My soul lights up when I’m looking out for others, caring, working with and supporting people to flourish. So, after a career spent working to help people in other organisations, I had the unexpected opportunity to start my own life project – and that’s how Freshwater Harmony was born.

Over the span of 25 years working in management in the education and transport industries, I have seen first-hand just how much stronger individuals and organisations become when people feel valued, engaged and recognised.

My work to increase mental health literacy came about a little after I launched Freshwater Harmony and it is a passion of mine.

As the only girl among five brothers, I was extremely close to my younger brother Paul who I loved wholeheartedly for his beautiful spirit and soul. When he passed away suddenly in 2011, my world shattered. Paul is and always will be my constant inspiration and motivation.

My hope with Freshwater Harmony is to help communities, businesses and individuals listen intently to one another and start important conversations that connect people and nurture a sense of belonging.

Now my greatest joys are my beautiful husband David, our fur baby Harmony and our awesome family and friends. These are the people who light me up.

For Paul…

Your spark embedded deep inside
Will give me strength
Will give us hope

Xavier Rudd – Green Spandex

Giving back

Freshwater Harmony is all about advocating for kindness, compassion and connection. We provide vital mental health training and encourage everyone to start important conversations in all facets of their lives.

As part of our commitment to giving back to the community, we offer dedicated fee-free places in each of our courses for nominated participants. We also offer designated pro bono services and work volunteering.

If you would like further information please reach out to us for a chat.